I started the year off wanting to take things slow with this blog. The idea was to remove the pressure of doing it daily like I thought I should, and go monthly relieving myself of the guilt of not making it on schedule. I also wanted to make sure I had something of interest to say.
Most of my New Year thoughts have gone by the wayside (my plan to read more has been stopped in its tracks, and the financial instability of the world right now has caused me to withdraw from the web classes I wanted to take; another time, a better place for those now). On a personal note, I’m at something of a creative crossroads which I will explain more fully at a later date. At this moment, however, I find my mind is full of wonders I want to talk about, pockets of which are near ready to burst.
So I’m going to talk about them. In the coming weeks I plan on launching a series of post exploring things I love. People, places, music, art and more will be presented in the hopes that you get to know me a little better, and those things I love may find new homes with you.
I will also be conducting interviews with the first batch of writers coming out of the Angry Robot imprint (see post below). I hope to be able to do them all, there’s eight now, and maybe even someone from their editorial staff at the end of it. We’ll see.
There’ll be more. But that will suffice for now. I’ve got a vacation coming up at the end of May, perhaps there will be a post or two before then. The real action begins in June, though, so see you then.