Rather than fret over not posting, I have decided to sign off for a bit in an effort to ease my mind over things that shouldn't cause me anxiety anyway. A sabbatical of sorts.
This is, of course, after I do a little makeover on the blog (nifty new banner, slightly easier to read postings, etc). I've got good timing that way.
25x52 will move to its own blog as planned, I've been playing with that layout as well. I have fallen behind on my donations, but plans are afoot to make that up and post them retroactively. I also plan to have a little addition content on that project as well. With luck, that will roll out at some point in April, and I'll make one more post here announcing it before shutting up for good until at least Autumn.
In the meantime, I'll continue to learn to live, taking a cue from here:
Image © 2010 Christian Berntsen |
Right now, though, I'm going to go watch an episode of Doctor Who and go to bed.