
Friday, January 1, 2010

25x52, a new direction

For several years now I have told myself that “this year” I’m going to set aside a few bucks each week and buy a toy. And while I've been known to still occasionally buy toys for myself, these toys were intended for tots. Or rather, Toys for Tots. I would see the signs around my neighborhood during the holidays and think it would be great to be able to come in and put 52 toys into the donation box. Ideally, 52 more kids would have some fun because of me than would have before. It would be great for them, and probably better for me.

Years have passed by, and I haven’t done it once. Fed up with myself, and seeing more and more great things I could be helping out--even in a small way--all through-out the year, I decided to take a different approach this year. Instead of remembering to buy a new toy every week to save for one grand gesture at the end of the year, why not give something each week to someone or some organization who needs it right then.

This, 25x52 was born. It's my small way of helping out. Not just charities, but across a broader spectrum. There are many worthy people and organizations out there, and not all are providing obvious services such as helping the needy. Some are providing enlightenment through art. Others are offering advise on getting through life without charging for it, because they want to use their life experiences to improve and empower others.

With this in mind, my goal with 25x52 is to help support charitable organizations, public service programs, arts programs and, on occasion, individual artists. And rather than doing it anonymously, I'm documenting it here on the Manifesto, in the hope that others may be moved to help out one or more of what I believe are worthy recipients.

I'm excited by this, and look forward to sharing this journey. You will see my first 25x52 donation posted tonight, with a new one every Friday through 2010. See you then.

- Christian

1 comment:

Catherine said...

And this, my friends, is one of the million reasons why I love this man.